General Information and Programme

General Information

Dear colleagues, 

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I am pleased to invite you to attend the XIX Baltic Animal Breeding Conference that will be held in Tartu, Estonia, at the Estonian University of Life Sciences from December 14-15, 2022.
The recent pandemic showed us that our sector never stops, that animal production continues to produce food for us and that we are an essential part of society. In 2022 we will surely be under the economic and societal consequences of this pandemic and the changed situation in the world.
The Baltic Animal Breeding Conference, which is taking place over the years, will give us an opportunity to exchange information, and new ideas and will encourage the development of further fruitful collaboration and networking. The conference is planned in a traditional way – a plenary session in the morning and the species sessions in the afternoon on December 14th, followed by a technical tour on December 15th.
The programme will cover various areas of animal production and the topics will be filled with innovation and recent scientific results in animal production.
As a community, we must make up for the lost opportunities for face-to-face networking.

We look forward to your confirmed presence at the conference.

Prof Haldja Viinalass
Chair of Organizing Committee


The official language of the conference is English.

Wednesday, 14th December 2022

Estonian University of Life Sciences, Fr.R.Kreutzwaldi 1a, Tartu

9.00-10.00 Registration /Welcome coffee
10.00-10.15 Mait Klaassen (EE) Opening. Estonian University of Life Sciences
10.15-10.35 Gita Jansone (LV) Agriculture in Latvia
10.35-10.55 Haldja Viinalass (EE) Agriculture and Livestock Sectors in Estonia
10.55-11.15 Liga Paura (LV) Inbreeding evaluation in Latvian local breeds
11.15-11.35 Ruta Šveistienė (LT) Animal genetic studies in Lithuania and their impact on the breeding programs
11.35-12.05 Coffee break/ Poster session
12.05-12.35 Marija Špehar (HR) Opportunities of implementing the genomic selection in small populations - the Croatian case
12.35-12.55 Tõnu Põlluäär (EE) Description of the Estonian dairy herd based on genomic breeding values
12.55-13.15 Šarūnė Marasinskiene (LT) Herd management perspectives of Lithuania dairy cattle breeds
13.15-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-14.25 Andres Valdmann (EE) The charm and pain of high milk yield and large farms
14.25-14.45 Elina Mark (EE) Advanced reproductive biotechnologies in animal breeding
14.45-15.00 Inga Merkelyte (LT) Management of cattle reproduction process by using digitized analysis systems for animal physiological parameters
15.00-15.15 Anni Enn (EE) Work accidents in Estonian agriculture
15.15-15.40 Coffee break/ Poster session
15:40-15:55 Ilva Trapina (LV) The difference of Latvian breed rams in terms of feed efficiency as opportunity for genomic selection
15.55-16.10 Evaldas Šlyžius (LT) Influence of genotypic factors on the Lithuanian dairy goat population
16.10-16.25 Ragnar Leming (EE) The effect of feeding black soldier fly larvae in a low protein diet for growing pigs
16.25-16.40 Erkki Sild (EE) Differences in inbreeding in Estonian horse breeds revealed by genomic analysis
16.40-16.55 Alma Račkauskaitė (LT) Genetic variability of Lithuanian sport horse populations assessed by pedigree analysis
16:55-17.10 Merko Vaga (EE) Farm specific effects on twinning in Estonian dairy cattle
19.00-22.00 Wrap-up the sessions and discussion. Dinner.
Workshop Tartu Loodusmaja/ Tartu Nature House, Lille 10, Tartu

Poster presentations

D. Jonkus, L. Cielava, D. Ruska The 100 years with Latvian Brown local origin dairy cow
D. Kairiša, I. Vircava, A. Valdovska, S. Meškis, L. Proškina, N. Bergmanis, U. Veide Feeding dietary supplements of sapropel and its sodium humate to heifers of the Holstein black-spotted breed
L. Lutter, E. Songisepp, H. Viinalass Using non-traditional starter cultures to valorize the milk of local breed cattle through the creation of innovative dairy products
A. Nolberga-Trūpa, D. Ruska, G. Grandbergs The effect of potassium humate on productivity and milk quality of dairy cows
I. Sematovica, I. Kanska Cow oocyte quality in relation to milk SCC and the way of obtaining them
I. Muižniece, D. Kairiša Carcass quality of beef breed cattle and their crossbreeds slaughtered in Latvia
D. Kairiša, D. Gudrā, M. Ustīnova, I. Kalniņa, D. Gāliņa, D. Jonkus, A. Šneidere, D. Fridmanis, A. Valdovska Genetic relatedness of Latvian Darkhead breed sheep and analysis of milk
V. Nikonova, D. Jonkus, L. Paura Analysis of inbreeding and effective population size of Latvian heavy warmblood horses
D. Barzdina, L. Proskina Effect of sodium humate on the growth performance and carcass quality of broiler chickens
F. Carnovale, H. Viinalass, D. Arney Sustainable adaptation of Estonian livestock production to climate change
D. Ruska, D. Jonkus, D. Kairiša, L. Paura, L. Degola, A. Nolberga-Trūpa, E. Aplociņa, D. Bārzdiņa, I. Muižniece, L. Cielava, I. Eihvalde, V. Nikonova, I. Kļaviņa-Blekte Importance of breeding data in estimation of emission from livestock

Thursday, 15th December 2022

Technical tour. Departure at 9:00 from Fr. Kreutzwaldi 1a (EMÜ main building)

  1. Gramina Stud 
    Külitse, Tartu county

  2. Kõo Agricultural Enterprises (Mangeni PM OÜ, dairy farm)
    Kõo, Viljandi county
    The new dairy complex was opened in November 2022. Cattle in different life cycles move from barn to barn in the same complex.
    The Mangen farm complex will be home to 3,966 animals, nearly half of which are dairy cows. In 2021, 19,079 tons of milk were produced.

  3. Lunch

  4. Kõpu PM (dairy farm)
    Kõpu, Viljandi county
    The company breeds cattle of the Estonian red breed. The farm was the first in the Baltics to introduce robotic watering of calves.

Important Note: We advise you to wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

Estonian University of Life Sciences ASTRA project
„Value-chain based bio-economy 2“


Venue & Accommodation


Assembly Hall of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Eesti Maaülikool, EMÜ)
Fr.R.Kreutzwaldi 1a
We suggest using the Sports Club or Skate Park parking lot as there are limited free parking places in front of the main building. Please look map for the parking lots.
Campus of the EMÜ



Accommodation should be booked by participants.

List of the hotels in the Tartu

Visitor information

Official tourism site of Tartu and Tartu County 



Abstracts & Posters


All authors wishing to make an oral or poster presentation at the 19th Baltic Animal Breeding Conference are required to submit the title and abstract of their presentations in Englist to .

Only abstracts submitted will be considered for publication. Abstracts must not exceed 2,200 keystrokes, including title, authors and addresses, acknowledgements and funding statements, and including spaces and punctuation. The title of your abstract can take up to 100 keystrokes, including spaces.

Please make sure that you indicate the presenting author very carefully (with an asterisk).
Abstract submission is open until December 9, 2022. Thereafter, the abstracts will be reviewed by the organisers. The authors will be notified about their acceptance by late December 12, 2022.

Please note that the session and form of presentation (oral/poster) of submitted contributions may be changed, following the decision of the Conference Organising Committee. 


The poster dimension must be W1200 x H900 mm.

Book of Abstracts


Commitees & Contact



Haldja Viinalass – Chair professor, Chair of Animal Breeding and Biotechnology, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences of Estonian University of Life Sciences


Toomas Tiirats – Director of Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences of Estonian University of Life Sciences
Tanel Kaart – Professor, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences of Estonian University of Life Sciences
Alo Tänavots – Senior Lecturer, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences of Estonian University of Life Sciences
Merko Vaga – Researcher–postdoctoral fellow, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences of Estonian University of Life Sciences



Haldja Viinalass – Chair professor, Chair of Animal Breeding and Biotechnology, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences of Estonian University of Life Sciences


Rasa Nainienė – PhD, Animal Science Institute of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Rūta Šveistienė – PhD, Animal Science Institute of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Diāna Ruska – PhD, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Līga Paura – PhD, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Tanel Kaart – PhD, Estonian University of Life Sciences
